Paying for Respite
What is Lifespan Respite Services Program?
This program pays for respite services to give the primary family caregiver a temporary break. Respite means the provision of short-term relief to primary family caregivers from the demands of ongoing care for an individual with special needs. Ongoing care means continuous, full-time supervision/care for a person with special needs. DHHS Manual reference 464 NAC 1-007 and 1-008. It is NOT for people who are receiving respite services from another government program.
Who Needs This Program?
Unpaid family caregivers who need a temporary break from providing ongoing care to persons of any age with special needs. Examples of special needs are developmental disabilities; physical disabilities; chronic illness; physical, mental or emotional conditions that require supervision; special health care needs; cognitive impairments such as Alzheimer’s disease or dementia; or persons at risk of abuse & neglect. Eligibility is based on income guidelines. HOWEVER, if you have expenses directly related to the disability, these can usually be subtracted from the counted income. The person applying must have a family caregiver living in the same home. The program will provide up to $125 per eligible client per month and Exceptional Circumstances of up to an additional $2,000/eligibility year.
What if I Have Questions or Need Help with the Application?
Call a Respite Network Coordinator in your area at 1-866-RESPITE (1-866-737-7483), or find a local Lifespan Respite contact.
What are the Program Eligibility Income Limits?
DHHS program regulation 464-NAC 2-004.03 Financial Eligibility:
2-004.03A Family Size: Family size is determined by the number of adults and/or children related by blood, marriage or adoption who reside in the same household. An unborn child may be included. The following are considered separate families:
- Related adults other than spouses and unrelated adults who reside together;
- Children living with non-legally responsible relatives;
- Emancipated minors;
- A minor parent; and
- Children placed outside the home and who are not residing full-time with the biological parents or usual caretaker.
2-004.03C Income Eligibility: Clients whose gross income minus allowable disregards is at or below 312 percent of the Federal poverty level for the appropriate family size, meet the income criteria for the Lifespan Respite Services Program.
Income Levels (312% Federal Poverty Level)
Family Size | 2024 Monthly Income Criteria
1 | $3,985
2 | $5,291
3 | $6,670
4 | $8,050
5 | $9,429
6 | $10,808
7 | $12,187
8 | $13,566
Family Size Maximum Financial Resource Limit
1 $35,000
2 or more $50,000
How do I Apply?
Submit a Lifespan Respite Services Program application (and supportive documentation, if needed) electronically to dhhs.respite@nebraska.gov OR mail to:
DHHS, Division of Children & Family Services,
Attn: Lifespan Respite
PO Box 98933
Lincoln, NE 68509-8933
To speak with Program staff, call Jan Drewel, Social Services Worker at (402) 471-9188 or Hanna Quiring, Program Coordinator at (531) 530-7011. Visit the DHHS Lifespan Respite page for more information.
Application Forms and Fact Sheets
- Funding Request for Exceptional Circumstances (including Crisis Respite) Application
- Lifespan Respite Services Program Application
- Lifespan Respite Services Program Billing Document
- CFS-22 Respite Services Program Billing Document Sample
- CFS-22 Respite Services Program Billing Document Sample 2
- CFS-22 Respite Narrative Instructions and Sample
- CFS-133 Flexibility in Funds Form
The Disabled Children's Program (DCP) assists families with children living at home who receive monthly Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and are age 15 or younger. DCP will only provide services that are not covered through Medicaid services or other programs. The program supports are based on the child's disability and the family's needs.
Eligible services may include: respite care funding to give caregivers a temporary break, out-of-town mileage reimbursement for longer distance travel to medical care and home/vehicle modifications for accessibility.
Western Nebraska Gering (800) 477-6393
Central Nebraska Grand Island (800) 892-7922
Southeast Nebraska Lincoln (877) 213-4754
Northern Nebraska Norfolk (888) 704-0180
Southwest Nebraska North Platte (800) 778- 1600
Omaha area (402) 595-2120
Adoption subsidy approved by DHHS prior to the finalization of an adoption. Adoptive parent(s) may request an increase in the subsidy rate if your child encounters an unusual expense not generally incurred by a family and which is based on the child’s special needs. Note: Private or out-of-state subsidized adoptions have unique considerations and may qualify for Lifespan Respite Subsidy.
Contact the State of NE Adoption Program Specialist at 402-219-2740 or contact your Assigned DHHS Worker
Persons who are 18 years of age or older and have a substantial functional or mental impairment OR 18 years of age or older and have a guardian that was appointed by the Nebraska probate code AND there are allegations of abuse, neglect, or exploitation, including self-neglect.
Adult Protective Services
Call the 24-hour toll-free hotline at 1-800-652-1999 or local law enforcement.
ACCESS Nebraska Economic Assistance
Customer Service (800) 383-4278
Email: dhhs.childrenandfamilyservices@nebraska.gov
In Lincoln (402) 323 3900
In Omaha (402) 595-1258 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday thru Friday
Home and Community-Based Services
- Birth to 3 years of age, contact Health & Human Services/ACCESS Nebraska (855) 632-7633 to apply.
- For those 18-64, contact your areas closest League of Human Dignity.
- Adults 65 and older, contact the NE Area Agency on Aging or call 1-844-843-6364 to find out more info.
A developmental disability is defined in Nebraska Revised Statute 83-1205.
It is a severe, chronic disability, including intellectual disability, other than mental illness that: 1) Is due to a mental or physical impairment; 2) Began before age 22; 3) Is likely to continue; 4) Results in substantial limitations in three areas: a) Conceptual skills; b) Social skills; and
c) Practical skills; and 5) Results in need for special services and supports. Comprehensive Developmental Disabilities (CDD) Waiver
Allows persons of all ages with developmental disabilities to maximize their independence as they live, work, socialize, and participate to the fullest extent possible in their communities. A participant must have a developmental disability and needs that require services like those provided by an intermediate care facility for persons with developmental disabilities (ICF/DD).
Developmental Disabilities Adult Day (DDAD) Waiver
Allows persons ages 21 and over with developmental disabilities to maximize their independence as they live, work, socialize, and participate to the fullest extent possible in their communities. A participant must have a developmental disability and needs that require services like those provided by an intermediate care facility for persons with developmental disabilities (ICF/DD).
*To be eligible for any waiver, an applicant must: 1) Be a citizen of the United States of America or a qualified alien under the federal Immigration and Nationality Act and be lawfully present in the United States; 2) Be a resident of the State of Nebraska; and 3) Have active Medicaid.
Division of Developmental Disabilities
877-667-6266 or in Lincoln (402) 471-8717
Email dhhs.developmentaldisabilities@nebraska.gov
OR apply anytime at Access Nebraska 855- 632-7633 or 402-473-7000 (both numbers are part of Medicaid), or at http://dhhs.ne.gov/pages/accessnebraska.aspx
ORDepartment of Health & Human Services State Unit on Aging
(402) 471-2307
(800) 942-07830 (Nebraska Only)
DHHS Medicaid and Long Term-Care
Family Caregiver Support Brochure
Medicaid through Personal Assistance Services, Skilled Nursing Care Services and temporary Nursing Home Care Active Medicaid and program.
Active Medicaid and program-specific eligibility. Applicant must request respite resource from Access Nebraska Medicaid & Long-Term Care staff who determines eligibility.
Medical Eligibility
Customer Service Contact:
Call (855) 632-7633
In Lincoln (402) 473-7000
In Omaha (402) 595-1178
8:00 am-5:00 pm Monday thru Friday
Intake accepted for assessment per program guidelines. DHHS conducts family assessments to determine family's strengths and needs as well as assess for child safety. Families are connected to the supports and services they need, including respite.
Alternative Response
24-hour toll-free Adult & Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 1-800-652-1999
Email: DHHS.AlternativeResponse@nebraska.gov

Are You Caring for a Veteran?
Respite care is a covered benefit for all veterans who are enrolled in the VA health care system and meet defined requirements. Depending on geographic location and the recipient's preference, care can be provided in the home, in adult day care, or in a VA medical or community living center.
General Caregiver Support Services and Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers
If the veteran is not connected to the VA, visit their local county Veteran Service Officer, or:
If the veteran goes to the VA contact their PACT team social worker for services Caregiver may contact the Caregiver Support Coordinator.
Program specifically developed to support Caregivers of Veterans. Assists with accessing a wide range of services available to Veterans that may help ease Caregiver burden. Identifies and creates support resources to help educate Caregivers, alleviate Caregiver stress and improve wellness of Caregivers.
Caregiver Support Coordinator at each VA medical center 1-855-260-3274 to reach VA’s Caregiver Support Line
Joni S Morin MSW, LCSW
Caregiver Support Coordinator
Nebraska Western Iowa VA Health Care System
800-451-5796 Ext 4618 or 402-995-4618
VA Caregiver Support Line
VA Caregiver Support
VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System Caregiver Support
The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) supports military families with special medical and educational needs. The program has three components: 1. Identification and Enrollment 2. Assignment Coordination 3. Family Support. A family member who has special needs is a: 1. Spouse, child, or dependent adult who, regardless of age, has special medical needs and 2. Requires medical services for a chronic condition such as asthma, attention deficit disorder, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, etc.3. Receives ongoing services from a medical specialist or 4. has significant behavioral health concerns. A child (birth through 21 years) with special educational needs who is eligible for, or receives 1. special education services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 2. Early Intervention Services (EIS) through an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).
EFMP Office at 402-294-4329 for more information
Offutt AFB Exceptional Family Member Program