We are proud to announce our new NLRN Virtual Learning Series! Join us via Zoom on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 12:00pm (CT) to learn about various caregiving resources. This is an opportunity to learn more about caregiving, connect with fellow caregivers, meet the Respite team, and ask questions.
Our first session kicks off in September with an overview of the Nebraska Lifespan Respite Network, followed by a course on Enable Savings Accounts, the Disabled Children's Program & Medically Handicapped Children's Program, and the Aging and Disability Resource Center.
Registration is required: https://unmc.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIrf-ygqzkiHdTHuGTui1tq1fIYmYGusYh8#/registration
The Munroe Meyer Institute
6902 Pine St
Omaha, NE 68102
United States
NLRN Learning Series Flyer.pdf
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